January 31, 2009

Walk Up the Road - what's behind the name

Life really is about the journey. Every day, we all find ourselves at a unique point on our path in life. Every day has its own ups and downs, victories and defeats, opportunities and challenges. What do you do with those, and where are you headed? Are you learning and growing, or stumbling and trying to get up off the ground? That's what is behind the name of this blog.

Now to be completely fair, it took a few tries to land on this. Here is the naming progression as I best remember it:

The road of life
Walking down the road
Walk down the road
Walking up the road
Walk up the road

Thank goodness some of those URL's were all ready taken!

God is teaching me that he has a road for me. And this life isn't a stroll down that road, but rather a hike up it. But its my road, and what I choose to do in life will determine where my road leads. Hopefully my road leads to a place within God's sovereign will. One of my professors challenged us recently to "live within our design". If we don't live within our design, there will be unreached potential.

Now, it may have been by luck that I landed on Walk "up" the road, but it is certainly appropriate. Colossians 1:24 says "I now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ for the sake of His body, the Church." Rejoicing in sufferings, doesn't that just sound like a difficult but progressive struggle up the road of life?!?! I don't think Paul was meandering down the road as he penned these words.

So there it is, that's where the name came from. Our spot on the path changes all the time. We move ourselves in different directions with every choice we make. Praise God for his abundant grace and love, because without Him this road is dark and depressing.

Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path". Jesus, may I walk in your will, and stay within the light you cast on my path. Praise God!

January 30, 2009

Ice Storm 09

Well, the past week has been quite an adventure. The ice storm that ripped through NWArkansas has been a wild ride that we will not soon forget. The storm has unfortunately left a mark on our town that will not soon be hidden either. The damage caused by the accumulation of ice is a small glimpse at the power of God! Here is a run down of our power situation:

Tuesday - power comes and goes two times during the day, we are without power for a total of 4 hours before it comes back on at 5:30.

After dinner and a movie (and getting to see a transformer explode), the power went off at 11:30 as Louise and I were falling asleep. We drug the mattress to the living room in front of the fire and slept comfortably there all night.

Wednesday - The severity and damage of this storm became apparent. My sense of excitement seemed to be replaced by the weight of our situation and what others were dealing with. I became very thankful for the things God has provided Louise and I (a gas fireplace and therefore a warm home, Praise God!). Power came back on in the early afternoon.

Thursday - we thought we were in the clear, until I put lunch on the stove at noon and the power promptly went out (great timing). Three hours later we were back up, this time for good!

Friday - as of this morning, 20,000 people in Fayetteville alone still don't have power. This storm is officially the worst ice storm every recorded in NWArkansas.

I found this Psalm (77)this morning as I look to the scriptures on the Power of God.

13 Your ways, O God, are holy.
What god is so great as our God?

14 You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples.

15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

God's power was certainly on display this week. I also found this verse in Job 27 that caught my eye.

10 Will he find delight in the Almighty?
Will he call upon God at all times?

11 "I will teach you about the power of God;
the ways of the Almighty I will not conceal.

I will strive to be a man that God can answer those two questions in verse 10 with a "yes", and a man that never conceals the ways of the Almighty.

Hopefully the Power is back on for me in more ways than one, after a potent reminder of the power and sovereign nature of our Lord this week.

January 8, 2009

Amazing Grace, Just the Black Notes

I absolutely love this video. Amazing Grace is a classic song with a great history.


January 5, 2009

Conflict and Understanding

I am now one week away from starting Grad School. Working for my Masters in Counseling will surely be an emotional roller coaster as I process through the experiences and family history of others and myself in an attempt to comprehend why we do what we do, why we think what we think, and why we feel what we feel. At this particular spot on my path God has chosen to teach me about 2 different yet incredibly intertwined relational ideas: conflict and the desire to understand others. Fellowship and its speakers should forgive me for quoting and misquoting them, but the following is how God has embedded conflict and understanding in my heart.

Conflict - I have never liked that word. The animosity and tense nature associated with the word alone are enough to make me cringe. Conflict is a driver of arguments, fights, divorce, hate, and war. Conflict is also a driver for, get this, personal growth. Healthy conflict leads to personal growth, not sometimes, all the time. Most conflict is steeply rooted in pride or being right, rather than what is actually the issue at hand. You see it in your marriage, at work, etc. Conflict arises over a specific issue or occurrence but quickly becomes about something much different, many times much bigger.

Healthy conflict must forfeit pride at the door. Healthy conflict is a tool that can be used to increase perspective, humility, care, and compassion, among other things. But the root of healthy conflict is an act so foreign to our human nature that it takes a constant, conscious effort to achieve it. To succeed in healthy conflict, we must have an ongoing desire to understand others point of view.

Desire to Understand Others - Simply put, the desire to understand others is the lynch pin to success in healthy conflict. Only through truly having a heart to understand others can we grow through conflict. If we do not care where others are coming from we will not understand them and we will not have anything other than harmful conflict with them. Let me make this very clear, understanding should never prevail at the cost of sacrificing truth. This is very important when looking at social hot button issues. We can be understanding without sacrificing truth.

To understand a person, you must understand their heart. What makes them tick? What do they really care about? If you listen, they will tell you.

God has been really working on me in this area this year, at times when I did not even realize it. It really came together for me in church recently when a speaker talked about this very subject. God has shown me so much about my amazing wife this year. The world fills our heads with ideas about how husbands, wives, couples should be. What they should do and how they should act. God has replaced my worldly mindset with a heart and love for the unique and amazing things about Louise. When I look at her, I don't think about what she isn't, I see what she is. I see the pure and perfect way that God created her. I see the woman that God has a big plan for. God knew exactly how to wire Louise and I so that we would have a successful marriage. As a desire to understand her has grown in my heart this year, our conflicts have become much more productive.

Praise God for a heart to understand others, goodness knows that is not my natural disposition!

Proverbs Chapter 3

13 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom,
the man who gains understanding,

14 for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold.